Russia!: Nine Hundred Years of Masterpieces and Master Collections by Mikhail Shwydkoi, James H. Billington (Introduction) Hardcover: 426 pages; Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation (Oct 15, 2005) The remarkable and interconnected history of Russian art and Russia's most important collections over nine centuries includes icons, portraiture in both painting and sculpture, social realist works since the 19th century, landscapes from all periods, pioneering abstraction, and experimental contemporary art. Librarian of Congress and renowned historian of Russia James Billington contributes the introductory essay, providing a context for the more specialized selections by Robert Rosenblum, Evgenia Petrova, Lidia Iovleva, Mikhail Allenov, Alexander Borovsky, Alexander Kostenevich, Valerie Hillings, and others. The book's design subtly evokes the six major periods covered--Medieval Russia (12th to 17th centuries), the epoch of Peter and Catherine (the 18th century), the 19th century, the early 20th century, the 1930s-1960s, and the 1970s to present. This scope makes Russia! one of the most comprehensive sources on the history of Russian art ever to be published in English. The companion publication, Russia! Catalogue of the Exhibition (opposite page), provides expanded and detailed, curatorial information for each work in the exhibition. Essays by James Billington, Lidia Iovleva, Robert Rosenblum, Mikhail Allenov, Alexander Borovsky, Alexander Kostenevich, Valerie Hillings, Evgenia Petrova and others. Clothbound, 9.25 x 10.5 in./450 pgs / 300 color.
Soviet Impressionism by Vern Grosvenor Swanson Hardcover: 206 pages; Antique Collectors' Club (Jun, 2001)
Socialist Realist Painting by Matthew Cullerne Bown Hardcover: 528 pages; Yale University Press (Mar 30, 1998) Bown's Socialist Realist Painting is two books in one. It represents a fascinating album of "official" 20th century Russian and Soviet art, ironically lavish in view of the art's anti-elitist ideological program. But the book is also a detailed narrative of the complex doctrinal struggles to define and impose the artistic ideals of Soviet socialism.
The Itinerants: The Masters of Russian Realism by Elena Nestorova Hardcover: 260 pages; Parkstone Press (Dec 1, 1996) Reader review: I would highly recommend this book to any person who takes interest in Russian painting. "The Itinerants" is an excelently illustrated volume that provides invaluable information on Russian art of the end if 19th century. The number of reproductions is really very impressive. The Itinerants (The Peredvizhniki) were the most important movement in the history of Fine Arts in Russia of the late 1800s. Unfortunately, their art is not very well known in the United States. This book could be a great introduction.
 Russian Painters: The Classics Years Color, NTSC Jun 25, 2002 50 minutes As a serious artistic activity, Russian painting really dates only from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. As the Russian Symbolist poet Alexander Block put it, "Russian culture is a combination of cultures, we are a new country." Block's new country was actually synthetic and coldly calculated - created at the beginning of the eighteenth century with Peter the Great's westernization of Old Russia. This had often been carried out with great brutality. And in some ways so too had Peter's introduction of western culture, art, and architecture. Russian society was originally tribal and backward; its art was either primitive and decorative or religious. This episode presents numerous examples of paintings from this unique period in Russian history.
| Russian Painting (Temporis Collection S.) by Peter Leek Hardcover: 271 pages; Parkstone Press (Oct 2005) Although touted as a major survey of Russian art, this is more of a coffee-table book than a research title. The 304 color illustrations are attractively reproduced and grouped into three main chapters: "From the 18th Century to the 1860s," "From the 1860s to the 1890s," and "From the 1890s to the Post-Revolutionary Period." Each chapter includes portraiture, historical painting, landscape, and still life among other painting types and trends. Jennifer Mayer, Univ. of Wyoming Libs., Laramie Copyright 2000 Reed Business Information, Inc.
 Russian Painters Box set, Color, NTSC Jun 25, 2002 150 minutes Number of tapes: 3 For the first time on video, this new three-part series presents a comprehensive and in-depth look at the art of Russia. This landmark series explores the vast riches of Russian art, and features over 400 painters and more than 1,000 paintings in color from museums and collections around the world. Includes: The Classic Years, The Impressionist Years, and The Years of Art Nouveau.
The Russian Impressionists (Schools & Movements) by Mikhail Guerman, Mikhali Guerman Hardcover: 288 pages; Continental Sales (Sep 15, 1998) From the late 19th to the early 20th century, a group of Russian artists broke away from academic tradition and painted images of Russian landscapes and figures in the French Impressionist style. However, as Russian art historian Guerman points out, the pain and suffering of Russian culture nobly portrayed in its literature is in stark contrast to the brightness and artistic freedom inherent in French Impressionism. Some 140 color illustrations selected from Russian museums and galleries allow readers to compare the two groups of artists. Seeing Russia as a backdrop for French Impressionism is certainly unusual. More importantly, says Guerman, the generally undistinguished works of the Russian group inspired such Russian avant-garde painters as Malevitch and Kandinsky. Although Guerman's ideas are thoughtfully presented, information about the artists is brief. Recommended for comprehensive art collections. Joan Levin, MLS, Chicago Copyright 1998 Reed Business Information, Inc.
Russian and Soviet Painting: An exhibition from the museums of the USSR presented at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, and the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco by Vladimirovich Sarabianov Dmitrii (Introduction) – Paperback: 165 pages; The Museum; trade edition distributed by Rizzoli (1977) An exhibituion from the Museum of the URSS presented at the Metropolitan Museums of Art, New York, and The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco. Catalogue information by E.Yu. Korotkevich and E.A. Uspenskaia. Foreword and bibliography by John E. Bowlt. Profusely illustrated in colour and black and white (works by V.A. Tropinin, I.E. Repin, K.S. Malevich, N.S. Goncharova, I.I. Brodsky, and others). Chronology, biographies of the artists . 8vo pp. 166 Brossura (wrappers) Molto Buono (Very Good)
Russian Impressionism: Paintings, 1870-1970 by Gosudarstvennyi Russkii Muzei Saint Petersburg, Russia, Vladimir Kruglov, Kenneth MacInnes (Translator), Vladimir Lenyashin Hardcover: 384 pages; Palace Editions / Harry N. Abrams; 1st edition (Nov 1, 2000) Chosen from the holdings of the State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg, the works displayed in this handsome volume focus on a chapter in Russia's rich cultural history that has been too long overlooked. Now, the broad range of Russian Impressionism is made abundantly clear in 340 lush colorplates and in illuminating essays. The superb paintings, most rarely or never published before, make this collection an essential addition to any art lover's library.